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Artikel Jurnal/Prosiding

Aji Handoko, Yoga and Semuel Rondonuwu, Ferdy and Limantara, Leenawaty (2015) The Photosensitizer Stabilities of Tookad® on Aggregation, Acidification, and Day-Light Irradiation. Procedia Chemistry Elsevier, 14. pp. 474-83.

Asako, Kawamori and Yusuke, Matsuda and Limantara, Leenawaty and Ritsuko, Fujii and Yasushi, Koyama (2000) Functions and Structures of Environmentally Relevant Enzymes. The Kwansei Gakuin University Natural Science Review, 4. pp. 17-50.

Ati, Neltji Herlina and Rahayu, Puji and Notosoedarmo, Soenarto and Limantara, Leenawaty (2006) Komposisi dan Kandungan Pigmen Tumbuhan Pewarna Alami Tenun Ikat di Kabupaten Timor Tengah Selatan, Propinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur. Indonesian Journal of Chemistry, 6 (3). pp. 325-331.

Brotosudarmo, Tatas Hardo Panintingjati and Limantara, Leenawaty and Heriyanto, Heriyanto and Prihastyanti, Monika Nur Utami (2015) Adaption of the Photosynthetic Unit of Purple Bacteria to Changes of Light Illumination Intensities. Procedia Chemistry Elsevier, 14. pp. 414-421.

Christiana, Rebecca and Kristopo, Hari and Limantara, Leenawaty (2008) Photodegradation and Antioxidant Activity of Chlorophyll a from Spirulina (Spirulina sp.) Powder. Indonesian Journal of Chemistry, 8 (2). pp. 236-241.

Christiana, Rebecca and Miki, Takeshi and Kakitani, Yoshinori and Aoyagi, Shiho and Koyama, Yasushi and Limantara, Leenawaty (2009) Energies and Excited-State Dynamics of 1Bu+, 1Bu- and 3Ag- States of Carotenoids Bound to LH2 Antenna Complexes from Purple Photosynthetic Bacteria. Chemical Physics Letters, 480. pp. 298-295.

Ei‐ichi, Nishizawa and Limantara, Leenawaty and Noriyuki, Nanjou and Hiroyoshi, Nagae and Tomisaburo, Kakuno and Yasushi, Koyama (1994) Solvent Effects On Triplet‐State Bacteriochlorophyll A As Detected By Transient Raman Spectroscopy And The Environment Of Bacteriochlorophyll A In The Light‐Harvesting Complex Of Rhodobacter Sphaeroides R26. Photochemistry and Photobiology. ISSN 1751-1097

Heriyanto, Heriyanto and Trihandaru, Suryasatriya and Limantara, Leenawaty (2009) Keadaan Koordinasi dan Proses Agregasi Pada Bakterioklorofil a serta Turunannya: Studi pada Pelarut Aseton-Air dan Metanol-Air. Indonesian Journal of Chemistry, 9 (1). pp. 113-122.

Indrawati, Renny and Ozols, Matiss and Indriatmoko, Indriatmoko and Heriyanto, Heriyanto and Brotosudarmo, Tatas Hardo Panintingjati and Limantara, Leenawaty (2013) Re-evalution on Multi-Chromatogram Approach of 3D-Chromatographic Data. Journal of Biomaterial Chemistry, 1 (1). pp. 12-16.

Indrawati, Renny and Sukowijoyo, Helen and Indriatmokoa, Indriatmokoa and Wijayanti, Retno Dumilah Esti and Limantara, Leenawaty (2015) Encapsulation of Brown Seaweed Pigment by Freeze Drying: Characterization and Its Stability During Storage. Procedia Chemistry Elsevier, 14. pp. 353-360.

Indriatmoko, Indriatmoko and Heriyanto, Heriyanto and Limantara, Leenawaty and Brotosudarmo, Tatas Hardo Panintingjati (2015) Composition of Photosynthetic Pigments in Red Alga Kappaphycus alvarezi Cultivated at Different Depths. Procedia Chemistry Elsevier, 14. pp. 193-201.

Indriatmoko, Indriatmoko and Shioi, Yuzo and Brotosudarmo, Tatas Hardo Panintingjati and Limantara, Leenawaty (2015) Separation of Photosynthetic Pigments by High-Performance Chromatography: Comparison of Column Performance, Mobile Phase, and Temperature. Procedia Chemistry Elsevier, 14. pp. 202-210.

Koyama, Yasushi and Limantara, Leenawaty and Sashima, Tokutake (1999) Transient Raman spectroscopy of isotope-substituted species of bacteriochlorophyll a, bacteriopheophytin a and chlorophyll a: Changes in the bond orders in the macrocycles upon triplet and singlet excitation. Laser Chemistry, 19. pp. 187-190.

Kurniawati, Pipin T. and Soetjipto, H. and Limantara, Leenawaty (2007) Aktivitas Antioksidan dan Antibakteri Pigmen Bixin Selaput Biji Kesumba (Bixa orellana L.). Indonesian Journal of Chemistry, 7 (1). pp. 88-92.

Kusmita, Lia and Limantara, Leenawaty (2009) Pengaruh Asam Kuat dan Asam Lemah terhadap Agregasi dan Feofitinasi Klorofil a dan b. Indonesian Journal of Chemistry, 9 (1). pp. 70-76.

Kusmita, Lia and Puspitaningrum, Ika and Limantara, Leenawaty (2015) Identification, Isolation, and Antioxidant Activity of Pheophytin from Green Tea (Camellia sinensis (L.) Kuntze). Procedia Chemistry Elsevier, 14. pp. 232-238.

Kusumaningtyas, Reni Subawati and Limantara, Leenawaty (2009) Isomerisasi dan Oksidasi Senyawa Karotenoid dalam Buah Kelapa Sawit Selama Pengolahan CPO. Indonesian Journal of Chemistry, 9 (1). pp. 48-53.

Limantara, Leenawaty and Dettling, Martin and Indrawati, Renny and Indriatmoko, Indriatmoko and Brotosudarmo, Tatas Hardo Panintingjati (2015) Analysis on the Chlorophyll Content of Commercial Green Leafy Vegetables. Procedia Chemistry Elsevier, 14. pp. 225-231.

Limantara, Leenawaty and Fujii, Ritsuko and Zhang, Jian-Ping and Kakuno, Tomisaburo and Hara, Hideyuki and Kawamori, Asako and Yagura, Tatsuo and Cogdell, Richard J and Koyama, Yasushi (1998) Generation of Triplet and Cation-Radical Bacteriochlorophyll a in Carotenoidless LH1 and LH2 Antenna Complexes from Rhodobacter sphaeroides. Biochemistry, 35 (70). pp. 17469-17486.

Limantara, Leenawaty and Katheder, Ingrid and Scheer, Hugo and Schafer, Wolfram and Koyama, Yasushi (1996) The T1 and S1 Raman spectra of 15N and 2H-enriched bacteriochlorophyll a: Changes in bond order upon triplet and singlet excitation. Chemical Physics Letters, 262 (5). pp. 656-662. ISSN 00092614

Limantara, Leenawaty and Koyama, Yasushi and Katheder, Ingrid and Scheer, Hugo (1994) Transient Raman spectroscopy of 15N-substituted bacteriochlorophyll a. An empirical assignment of T1 Raman lines. Chemical Physics Letters. ISSN 00092614

Limantara, Leenawaty and Kurimoto, Yoshitaka and Shimamura, Toshio and Utsumi, Horiaki and Katheder, Ingrid and Scheer, Hugo and Koyama, Yasushi (1995) The environment of the four nitrogen atoms of bacteriochlorophyll a in solutions as revealed by 15N NMR spectroscopy. Chemical Physics Letters, 236 (1-2). pp. 71-77. ISSN 00092614

Limantara, Leenawaty and Sakamoto, Shun and Koyama, Yasushi and Nagae, Hiroyoshi (1997) Effects of Nonpolar and Polar Solvents on the Qx and Qy Energies of Bacteriochlorophyll a and Bacteriopheophytin a. Photochemistry and Photobiology, 65 (2). pp. 330-337.

Madalena, Madalena and Heriyanto, Heriyanto and Hastuti, Susanti Pudji and Limantara, Leenawaty (2007) Pengaruh Lama Pemanasan Terhadap Kandungan Pigmen serta Vitamin A Daun Singkong (Manihot esculenta Crantz) dan Daun Singkong Karet (Manihot glaziovii Muell. Arg). Indonesian Journal of Chemistry, 7 (1). pp. 105-110.

Misono, Yasuhito and Limantara, Leenawaty and Koyama, Yasushi and Itoh, Koichi (1996) Solvent Effects on the Resonance Raman and Electronic Absorption Spectra of Bacteriochlorophyll a Cation Radical. The Journal of Physical Chemistry, 100 (6). pp. 2422-2429.

Misono, Yasuhito and Nishizawa, Ei‐ichi and Limantara, Leenawaty and Koyama, Yasushi and Itoh, Koichi (1995) Solvent effects on the resonance Raman spectra of bacteriochlorophyll a cation radical. Chemical Physics Letters, 236 (4-5). pp. 413-418. ISSN 00092614

Mizoguchi, Tadashi and Limantara, Leenawaty and Matsuura, Katsumi and Shimada, Keizo and Koyama, Yasushi (1996) Aggregation forms of 8-Ethyl-12-Ethyl Farneshyl bacteriochlorophyll c in methanol-chloroform mixtures as revealed by 1H NMR spectroscopy. Journal of Molecular Structure, 379 (1-3). pp. 249-265.

Mulyadi, Naomi M and Widyaningsih, Tri D. and Wijayanti, Novita and Indrawati, Renny and Heriyanto, Heriyanto and Limantara, Leenawaty (2017) Microencapsulation of Kabocha Pumpkin Carotenoids. International Journal of Chemical, 8 (6). pp. 381-386.

Santosax, Santosa and Limantara, Leenawaty (2008) Photodynamic Therapy: New Light in Medicine World. Indonesian Journal of Chemistry, 8 (2). pp. 279-291.

Sashima, Tokutake and Limantara, Leenawaty and Koyama, Yasushi (2000) Changes in Carbon-Carbon and Carbon-Nitrogen Stretching Force Constants in the Macrocycles of Bacteriochlorophyll a and Bacteriopheophytin a upon Triplet and Singlet Excitation: Resonance Raman Spectroscopy and Normal Coordinate Analysis of the Unlabelled and Totally 15N-, 13C- and 2H-labelled Species. Journal of Physical Chemistry, 104 (34). pp. 8308-8320.

Zhang, Jian-Ping and Nagae, Hiroyoshi and Qian, Pu and Limantara, Leenawaty and Fujii, Ritsuko and Watanabe, Yasutaka and Koyama, Yasushi (2001) Localized Excitations on the B850a and B850b Bacteriochlorophylls in the LH2 Antenna Complex from Rhodospirillum molischianum As Probed by the Shifts of the Carotenoid Absorption. Journal of Physical Chemistry, 105 (30). pp. 7312-7322.

Karya Tulis Ilmiah (KTI)

Camila, - (2023) Perancangan Board Game "Elemion" sebagai Sarana Pembelajaran Tabel Periodik Unsur Kimia. Undergraduate thesis, Universitas Pembangunan Jaya.

Maulana, Farhan (2025) Efek Penambahan Serat Limbah Spanduk Berbahan Dasar PVC terhadap Sifat Mekanik Beton Geopolimer. Undergraduate thesis, Universitas Pembangunan Jaya.

Ridho, Muhammad (2024) Pengaruh Kualitas Produk Kualitas Pelayanan dan Harga terhadap Keputusan Pembelian (Studi Kasus Konsumen Roji Ramen di Bintaro Tangerang Selatan). Undergraduate thesis, Universitas Pembangunan Jaya.

Wahyuni, Diaz Setia (2024) Perancangan Sistem Informasi Lembar Data Keselamatan (LDK) Bahan Kimia Berbasis Web dengan Metode RAD: Studi Kasus PT XYZ. Undergraduate thesis, Universitas Pembangunan Jaya.

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